Mindy Uhrlaub Author of Unnatural Resources.jpg

About Mindy

Mindy has traveled twice with Human Rights Watch and Eve Ensler’s V-Day to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and has taken testimony of rape survivors and child soldiers. Her interest in preventing the pillage of resources in Congo has also led her to visit Virunga National Park and to sit on the committee for Human Rights Watch’s Voices for Justice Dinner. 

Prior to writing Unnatural Resources, Uhrlaub wrote and produced STALLED, a feature-length film (distributed by Concorde New Horizons). She was also a music reviewer and copy editor for Denver’s PULP magazine. In addition, Mindy plays keyboards in 40th Day, a band that has toured with Kansas and performed with groups like The Smashing Pumpkins. She is a contributing author in the anthologies Mamas Write and She’s Got This (named 2019 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Finalist, Kindle Book Awards Reader’s Choice, and Best Book Awards Finalist). She has spoken several times at San Francisco’s Litquake and lives in the Bay Area with her husband and sons.

"Mindy Uhrlaub draws us, with gripping power, into the midst of one of the bloodiest, and most ignored, conflicts in the world today. If you don't believe both the cruelty and bravery she writes about could actually happen, trust me: it does; I've been there. I wish more novelists were bold enough to take on stories like this."

Adam Hochschild,

Author of King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa


Mindy’s first book, Unnatural Resources, released on October 30, 2020.


Connect with Mindy for speaking opportunities and more.